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Interview with Mikael Strindlund

Mikael Strindlund,

President and CEO of Hermes Medical Solutions

ePatient: You have been actively involved in medical imaging quite a while. Looking back at your career what are the most significant changes that you have witnessed in the field of medical imaging? I have now been working in the medical device and medical IT space for some 15 years. Interesting enough, I would say […]

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Interview with James McBrayer

James McBrayer,

CEO, Cyclopharm Ltd

ePatient: You have been actively involved in the field of nuclear medicine for quite a while. Looking back at your career, what are the most significant changes that you have witnessed in the field over the past 10 years? I have witnessed a great deal of change since starting in nuclear pharmacy as an intern […]

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NETS Patients’ perspectives

Jackie Herman,

President of the Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (CNETS) of Canada

The life of a person diagnosed with cancer changes dramatically in a single moment when  they  hear  the  words  “you  have cancer”. Imagine what it feels like to hear that you have neuroendocrine tumours (NETs), a rare cancer that is “usually” slow growing. Canadians are hearing this news with increasing frequency as the incidence of […]

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Are you connected? Social media and nuclear medicine

Dr. Paige Bennett,

M.D., Nuclear Medicine/Molecular imaging specialist., Wake Forest University, USA

Social media provides a vibrant platform for physician consultation,   communication,   education,   and marketing. Nuclear medicine physicians, societies,   and practices participate in social media in a variety of ways. If you are not a social media user, please read on. Whether or not you actively use or post items on social media, valuable content exists in […]

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Introduction to the third issue

Dr. Jean Luc Urbain,

M.D., Ph.D., CPE, President of the WFNMB

The editorial board, Francois and I are pleased to introduce to our readers the third edition of the magazine Pangea-ePatient. It is about a year since we introduce our first issue and we have received numerous accolade and request for last year and this past March editions. Our vision and mission for the magazine has […]

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Brain SPECT Imaging in Neuropsychiatric Diagnosis and Monitoring

Theodore A. Henderson,


Theodore A. Henderson, MD, PhD Mention SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography) brain imaging to a group of psychiatrists and you are likely to hear groans or angry retorts. The resistance to actually looking at brain function in psychiatric patients is startling. The well water seems to have been poisoned in psychiatry, perhaps by over-zealous […]

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Interview, Dr.Sijin Li, President Chinese society of nuclear medicine.

Theodore A. Henderson,


Dr. Sijin Li, president of the CSNM China is the most populated country on Earth. For most of us, it is difficult to imagine how the Chinese population can access the nuclear medicine services that the Chinese patients need. Can you give our readers a synopsis of the status of nuclear medicine services across China […]

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Interview with Dr. Dan Amen

Theodore A. Henderson,


Daniel G. Amen, MD Founder, Amen Clinics Costa Mesa, Los Angeles, and Walnut Creek, CA Seattle, Atlanta, DC, NYC, Chicago Over the last 30 years, you have developed and relied on brain SPECT imaging to diagnose and manage all kinds of neuro-psychiatric disorders. Why is brain SPECT an essential part of your practice? When I […]

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Medicina Nuclear y Cáncer de Tiroides: Situación Actual

Dr. Rodrigo Jaimovich F,

Dr. Rodrigo Jaimovich F, Past-President Chilean Nuclear Medicine Society ALASBIMN President 2015-2017

Cada vez es más común tener un familiar o conocido que se haya realizado una cirugía tiroidea por un cáncer. Si bien esta percepción es correcta, se están operando más pacientes de tiroides en relación a otros cánceres proporcionalmente,  la   gravedad   de   esta “epidemia” no es tal. La letalidad del cáncer de tiroides no ha […]

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Theranostics, Nuclear medicine at it’s best

Dr. Jean Luc Urbain,

M.D., Ph.D., CPE, President of the WFNMB

In this new issue of Pangea-ePatient we are starting a series of    articles on radio- pharmaceuticals that are used for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that are now commonly called Theranostics. Theranostics, the new buzz word in medicine was coined in the early 2000’s by the CEO of PhamaNetics to define the vision for his […]

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