Nuclear medicine news

In this section you will find the most recent headlines in nuclear medicine research, past articles published in the Patient magazine and general information regarding the industry and it’s partners.

Diagnosis and treatments

Terapia con yodo – 131 (yodo radioactivo) en Hipertiroidismo

Dr. Juan Luis Londono,

Médico Nuclear Jefe servicio Medicina Nuclear San Vicente Fundación Hospital Universitario, Columbia

La tiroides es la glándula endocrina más grande de nuestro cuerpo y cumple funciones muy importantes, como la producción de hormonas tiroideas.    Se necesita que haya niveles de hormonas tiroideas normales para que exista un funcionamiento de todos los tejidos y órganos en el cuerpo. Se estima que existe cerca de un 11% de la […]

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Une première mondiale pour les cancers avancés de la prostate

DR Fred Saad, MD FRCS,

Prostate Cancer; University of Montreal Hospital Centre (CHUM); Director, Prostate Cancer

Par Dalila Benhaberou-Brun Les statistiques sont affligeantes : Au Canada, le cancer de la prostate touche quelque 25 000 hommes et un sur six n’y survivra pas. En effet, 4300 hommes meurent chaque année de cette maladie dans d’atroces douleurs, une réalité qui alarme le Dr.Fred Saad, chirurgien en urologie et chercheur au CRCHUM CAS […]

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NETS Patients’ perspectives

Jackie Herman,

President of the Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (CNETS) of Canada

The life of a person diagnosed with cancer changes dramatically in a single moment when  they  hear  the  words  “you  have cancer”. Imagine what it feels like to hear that you have neuroendocrine tumours (NETs), a rare cancer that is “usually” slow growing. Canadians are hearing this news with increasing frequency as the incidence of […]

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Brain SPECT Imaging in Neuropsychiatric Diagnosis and Monitoring

Theodore A. Henderson,


Theodore A. Henderson, MD, PhD Mention SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography) brain imaging to a group of psychiatrists and you are likely to hear groans or angry retorts. The resistance to actually looking at brain function in psychiatric patients is startling. The well water seems to have been poisoned in psychiatry, perhaps by over-zealous […]

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