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Introduction V4N1 – Covid19 pandemic

Dr. Jean Luc Urbain,

M.D., Ph.D., CPE, President of the WFNMB

Dr. Lamoureux and I are pleased to introduce the new version of your acclaimed ePatient magazine. Who would have thought a year ago that there would be three articles on virus in a dedicated nuclear medicine magazine? This past ten month have been quite challenging for the entire globe population around the globe. Ass off […]

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Thera-what?! A guide to nuclear medicine medical student education

Natalie Keane Domeisen, MD,

St. Joseph Mercy Health Ann Arbor

  “Do you know what the field of ‘Theranostics’ is?” I was a fourth-year medical student who had just submitted my Diagnostic Radiology residency applications. I had done all the things an applicant was supposed to do: lead the Radiology Interest Group, start a radiology medical education program for first year medical students, perform research, […]

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PET/CT and prostate cancer

Dr.Wei He,

Wei He M.D. Ph.D

PET/CT   作为当今分子影像最先进的诊断手段之一,在肿瘤早诊、分期、疗效评价及放疗定位等方面发挥着重要作用。新型核素探针的应用更为 PET 技术增加原动力。众多专家提及基于 PET/CT 的新技术、新方法,有望为肿瘤诊疗带来全新的突破,例如用核医学技术治疗泌尿系统肿瘤中的前列腺癌。 前列腺癌是老年男性常见的恶性肿瘤,且前列腺癌的生物学行为差异很大。因此,对于不同前列腺癌患者要进行个体化诊疗。其中,精准的影像学诊断、定位、分期是实现前列腺癌患者个体化诊疗的基石。 以往对于前列腺癌患者的影像学检查方法主要包括超声、核磁(MRI)以及骨扫描等,但上述检查均存在一定的局限性,例如无法有效地检出前列腺外的病灶,无法早期检出生化复发性前列腺癌患者的病灶等。 随着对前列腺特异性膜抗原(PSMA)研究的深入,研究者发现 PSMA 特异性表达于前列 腺上皮细胞,并在前列腺癌组织中高表达,尤其是转移性或去势抵抗性前列腺癌中,表达水平更高,这一特征使得 PSMA 可成为前列腺癌分子影像诊疗一体化的分子靶点。 目前,国际多项临床研究已经证实,PSMA PET/CT 对于诊断前列腺癌、评估病灶范围有重要价值,且在患者生化复发早期,甚至血 PSA 水平很低且其他影像检查手段均无阳性发现时,即可辅助检测出病灶,修正了近40%~60%的患者临床治疗方案的制定。 由于 PSMA PET/CT 显像优异的诊断效能,该检测方法目前已被国内外指南或专家共识所推荐。更重要的是,对于一线化疗失败等去势抵抗性前列腺癌患者,若经 PSMA PET/CT 显像证实其病灶高表达 PSMA,还可通过治疗药物 177Lu-PSMA 进行放射性核素治疗,对前列腺原发及转移病灶进行“精准定向打击”,实现“所治即所见”。 目前,该种核素靶向治疗转移性去势抵抗性前列腺癌患者的有效性以及安全性已得到临床研究充分印证,将有可能成为改善前列腺癌患者预后、延长其生存期的新兴方法和有力“武器”。

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Une première mondiale pour les cancers avancés de la prostate

DR Fred Saad, MD FRCS,

Prostate Cancer; University of Montreal Hospital Centre (CHUM); Director, Prostate Cancer

Par Dalila Benhaberou-Brun Les statistiques sont affligeantes : Au Canada, le cancer de la prostate touche quelque 25 000 hommes et un sur six n’y survivra pas. En effet, 4300 hommes meurent chaque année de cette maladie dans d’atroces douleurs, une réalité qui alarme le Dr.Fred Saad, chirurgien en urologie et chercheur au CRCHUM CAS […]

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Interview with Tom Francke, president and CEO of Hermes Medical Solutions

Dr. Francois Lamoureux,

M.D, M.Sc., FRCP(C), ABNM, president of the CANM-ACMN

Tom, you are the new President and CEO of Hermes Medical Solutions. Can you give us a short resume of your previous involvement in the medical imaging field and give us a short idea of the company? Where is it based and in how many countries it is already involved in? It is an honour […]

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Introduction to the fifth issue, ePatient

Dr. Jean Luc Urbain,

M.D., Ph.D., CPE, President of the WFNMB

PSMA and the Prostate Cancer Tsunami On behalf of the editorial board and Dr. François Lamoureux, my co-editor, I would like to welcome you to the fifth issue of your nuclear medicine educational resource magazine ePatient Up to a few years ago we would have had some difficulty to share with you a true optimistic […]

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Nuclear medicine education via the social media site Instagram

Dr. Paige Bennett,

M.D., Nuclear Medicine/Molecular imaging specialist., Wake Forest University, USA

Social  media  plays  a  prominent  part  in  the general  public’s  daily  routine  and  primary information  source  on topics  ranging  from politics to medicine, regardless of occupation. In this article, the medical professional population is our primary interest. One recent study found that up to 94% of medical students, 79% of residents, and 42% of practicing […]

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CANM/ACMN Guidelines for ventilation/Perfusion (V/P Spect) in pulmonary embolism


The Canadian Association of Nuclear Medicine / Association canadienne de médecine nucléaire

Click here  The Canadian  Association  of  Nuclear Medicine (CANM) is in the process of establishing national guidelines for the performance and interpretation of Nuclear Medicine procedures in Canada with the aim to support the Nuclear Medicine specialists of Canada with readily accessible information as well as the hope of standardizing procedures across Canada as much […]

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Aporte del SPECT/CT en Técnica del ganglio centinela para cancer de mama

Dr. Rodrigo Jaimovich,

Past-President of ALASBIMN Professor, nuclear medicine at Clinica las Condes S.A Chili University, Chili

By Dr. Rodrigo Jaimovich, M.D Past-President of ALASBIMN Professor, Nuclear Medicine at Clinica las Condes S.A Chili University, Chili La adecuada evaluación del compromiso ganglionar axilar en cáncer de mama es de tremenda importancia tanto para el pronóstico del paciente así como para la toma de decisiones acerca de la terapia. En algunos casos puede […]

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Introduction to the fourth issue

Dr. Jean Luc Urbain,

M.D., Ph.D., CPE, President of the WFNMB

Dr. Francois Lamoureux and I are pleased to introduce the fourth issue of our/your ePatient magazine. It is hard to imagine that three years have passed since we published the first edition of the magazine. On behalf of the editorial board, we would like to thank everyone and all of you for your support, encouragements […]

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