M.D, M.Sc., FRCP(C), ABNM, president of the CANM-ACMN
Tom Francke CEO Hermes Medical Solutions Where do you see Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging heading to, and what is your, respectively Hermes Medical Solutions contribution to it? I strongly believe in Theranostics. We see new therapies being developed almost quarterly, and an ever-growing support of these therapies by molecular imaging. Not only for port- […]
M.D, M.Sc., FRCP(C), ABNM, president of the CANM-ACMN
You are the President and CEO, GE Canada; President, GE Healthcare Canada. Could you give us a little glimpse of your background before becoming the President and CEO? First, it is my pleasure and honour to be part of the discussion today. Nuclear medicine is critical to the efficacy of our healthcare systems in Canada […]
Médico Nuclear Jefe servicio Medicina Nuclear San Vicente Fundación Hospital Universitario, Columbia
La tiroides es la glándula endocrina más grande de nuestro cuerpo y cumple funciones muy importantes, como la producción de hormonas tiroideas. Se necesita que haya niveles de hormonas tiroideas normales para que exista un funcionamiento de todos los tejidos y órganos en el cuerpo. Se estima que existe cerca de un 11% de la […]
M.D, M.Sc., FRCP(C), ABNM, president of the CANM-ACMN
Dr.Seigo Kinuya WFNMB2022 Congress Chair Professor, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Kanazawa University, Japan Interview by Dr.Francois Lamoureux You are the chair of the next congress of the world federation of nuclear medicine and biology (WFNMB) in kyoto japan 7-11 september 2022. could you give us an overview of the event. We are preparing to have […]
Médecin nucléiste / Nuclear Medicine Specialist Centre de santé et de service sociaux de la Haute-Yamaska Granby
By Grégoire Blais MD, FRCP Médecin nucléiste / Nuclear Medicine Specialist Centre de santé et de service sociaux de la Haute-Yamaska Granby, Québec, Canada Since March 2020 the significant « COVID-19 » pandemic has raged. From this period, there was significant confinement, social distancing and the wearing of masks were imposed. These measures have impacted on everyone’s […]
M.D, M.Sc., FRCP(C), ABNM, president of the CANM-ACMN
Sergio Calvo, President, Radiopharmaceuticals Division at Jubilant Pharma Interview by Dr.Francois Lamoureux Sergio, you are the president of the Radiopharmaceuticals Division of Jubilant Pharma. Can you give us a brief summary of your involvement in Nuclear Medicine and Jubilant? First, I would like to thank e-Patient for this opportunity. My background is in engineering and […]
Dear friends and colleagues around the world Francois Lamoureux and I are thrilled to introduce to our international readers the new issue of the internationally acclaimed Nuclear Medicine magazine ePatient. The lack of concerted efforts in research and development of new radiopharmaceuticals in the last part of the 20th century created a climate of uncertainty […]
Since its foundation in 1884 as the “Montefiore Home for Chronic Invalids”, Montefiore Medical Center has grown into a large academic-based medical institution in New York City, spanning several teaching hospitals in the Bronx. It offers medical care in one of the most population-dense counties in the United States. Its Division of Nuclear Medicine has […]
The Canadian Association of Nuclear Medicine / Association canadienne de médecine nucléaire
Click here : CANM – Guidelines Document prepared by Drs. Alfonso Fasano, Ruban Gnanakumar, Heather Rigby, Andrew Ross, Jean-Paul Soucy, Alex Tamm -January 2020 In the investigation of movement disorders in which Dopamine transporter loss is a potential component, most commonly Parkinsonism, and there is diagnostic uncertainty, imaging with 123I-ioflupane can provide important information. […]
M.D, M.Sc., FRCP(C), ABNM, president of the CANM-ACMN
Viruses, these deleterious mutants are constantly trying to attack us. They are stealthy and confusion The human cell consists of a nucleus that stores deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA. Messages from the nucleus of the cell to the different elements of the cell’s cytoplasm are conveyed by a vector – nucleic acid or RNA. These messages […]